Wednesday, November 13, 2019

True confessions

The idea of this post was truly just to have fun in going out and observing scenes and entertaining everyone.  

But I will admit, sometimes it's actually a little depressing.  I mean, I am not trying to make today's post depressing because I am enjoying a fine glass of wine near my fireplace and thinking of the last few places I have visited - I haven't posted because there was nothing entertaining to post - with the exception of some great friends I have hung out with (by the way, I truly have great friends and even get to connect with friends out of town regularly).  

Still, I will seriously never understand how 40 somethings are supposed to meet or have fun out as a single person.

When you are 20 something, you have friends that are single and 20 something and you all hang out together.  When you are 40 something, you have friends that are 40 something and some of them are married, some are married with kids, some just have kids, some are divorced etc. And it's impossible to get together and go somewhere that you might meet someone.  

There must be something different that we can create - the "over 40, somewhat of a drunk, work my butt off and looking for someone to one or two days a week enjoy the company of" club.  I am gonna trademark that. 

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