Monday, October 28, 2019

Men love beer right?

So I figure one of the best places to meet a guy is at a brewery right?

Sunday afternoon, I decide to try a local brewery to scope the scene. As I am parking, I am already discouraged about my decision.  Everyone I see walking in is 10+ years older than me.  But I continue on.

As I belly up to grab a beer, I glance to see a very attractive male at appropriate age not far away.  I am intrigued.  I grab an IPA but close out, just in case things don't go well. And I slowly saunter toward the male in question.  Before I know it, he approaches me and seems to share my interest.

He has brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.  He's well groomed, dressed nicely and has a beautiful smile.   I am seriously captivated.

We exchange conversation, and seem to both be enjoying each other's company. Before I know it, he gives me a phenomenal kiss right on the lips.  I am love struck but I know I need to play it cool and takes things slow.  I walk away to sit at another table, before I leave he gives me his card - but that's when I see he's just a player.  Larry, I still hope to see you again someday.

Haha. Larry was chocolate lab OK!  But hey, if you like doggy love in the pub;  Visit Yappy Hour at Dry County every Sunday.

For the record, there did wind up being a good handful of apparently single guys show up so I have to say that the Love in The Pub rating was pretty decent had I stuck it out.

Bar: Dry County Brewing
Service: Great
Love in the Pub Rating:  hard to say but positive - we will go 3 beer mugs because of the dogs and hopefullness
Ratio:  Easily 9 men to 2 women - so there's that!!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Just a random Thursday night

Last night, I had a hair appointment at 4pm in between Marietta and Roswell.  When it was over, I was worried traffic would be horrible and I had time to kill so I decided to go to downtown Roswell and try a new place.  Knowing it would be empty at 5ish, I wasn't planning on this being a Love in the Pub post.

I was very wrong!

For exactly one Vodka-Soda I was the only person at the bar.  I ordered a burger and proceeded to wait.  Another couple showed up and sat a few seats over but the rest of the bar was empty.  Until in walked - Ace (the name was changed to protect the innocent but he referred to himself by a similar nickname and told me he had a previous boxing career).

There are easily 10 other open seats but this guy chooses to sit right next to me.  Without even a word, the bartender picked up my drink and refilled it full of Vodka - thanks buddy.  He introduces himself and begins to talk.  Silly me for thinking this was a laid back night.  

Let's clear this up - he was easily 70 years old, comb-over, looked like a former boxer in that something was a little off with his facial structure and wearing one of those jackets with the patches on the elbows.  

His compliments first start after a few sentences when he begins to tell me "how nice I am - he can just tell".  We then moved into "how beautiful I was - wait can he ask that, is it PC to tell a woman she is beautiful?"  I reply - sure just don't compliment my tits or a$$.  I can tell the bartender is dying inside.

He proceeds that he lives around the corner,  has a really nice house, that he is friends with Author Blank but he's just a millionaire not a billionaire and that surely God has brought us together.  

Wow, God?

I don't want to make light of sports injuries but I am guessing he might have had a few too many head punches or was already drunk because he must have repeated these lines to me 50 times in the matter of an hour: you're a nice person, you're beautiful - can I tell you that?,  I have a really nice house , I promise I am a good guy.  It was so repetitive that I finally just stated repeating the exact same response every time as well.  

After having one more, I close out.  But not before receiving a personal card simply with his nickname and phone number and an invitation to his house to watch the falcons - by the way he has a 65inch TV and plenty of top notch booze.  

It was actually a hilarious night for a random Thursday.

Bar: The Standard - Roswell
Love in the Pub Rating: Negative 10 - haha - however, I think this is a good place to revisit on a weekend - so stay tuned.
Food: delish burger
Service: Amazing and thanks to the bartender for giving me the side glance like "are you ok?" every few minutes.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bar #1 - The blog idea is created

On most days, I work from home, and though I totally prefer this from the work perspective, some days by 5pm, I am so bored that I need to get out.  I have a great local bar where everyone knows your name.  But there is no way I am finding love in that pub - so on a random Thursday night, I decided to actually do my hair, put on real clothes and go out.

I decide to go to a bar in my hometown square, Marietta. I would categorize it as a trendy cocktail bar;  games, craft beer, fancy cocktails and great food. I have been there before, I have even been on dates there so I assumed it was the closest place with a chance to find someone interesting to share a drink with.

Upon entering, I see the place is completely packed which means I am hopeful for at least some eye candy.  I walk around the bar and finally find ONE seat.  I ask if it's open and am obliged the seat.  Well, it turns out, I am next to the only single guy in the place, sadly, he is about 70 years old. 

I order a fancy cocktail thinking that my luck could change at any time.  First, I am a Tito's and Soda girl, with a lemon, if you must know.  But I enjoy a nice fancy cocktail every now and then.  I order one made with "bison grass vodka", pine, lemon and raspberry.  Now in hindsight, what the heck is Bison Grass Vodka?  It arrives and it looks Delish!  The gentleman next to me even says, "wow, I hope that is as good as it looks" - I quickly answer: NO.  Sometimes a cocktail is just too fancy I guess.  Not sure if it was the Bison Grass or the pine but I struggle through it; surveying the crowd all along.

Couples, large parties, an obnoxious group talking about their nephew in college etc.  No joke, only other single person is my neighbor.  Luckily he is very nice and we have some casual conversation.

I quickly switch to a Tito's and Soda hoping to at least relieve my wallet of the $10 cocktails and give it one more chance for new clientele to arrive.  

After two drinks, no luck, no hope for any new arrivals and I decide my local bar is a better place to be.

That's when this concept came about.  Love in the Pub.  

This week's pub: Two Birds - Marietta Square
Love in the Pub Rating: ZERO mugs
Average Age: 50
Service: 3 mugs.  The staff is great, but they were a little too short staffed for how busy it was
Food: No food ordered
Overall review: Good for a date, not good for meeting someone single.

Friday, October 18, 2019

About this blog

Love in the Pub

I am a 41 year old single female, never married and no kids.

I am not bothered by single status but it would be nice to meet someone to enjoy life with. Unfortunately, I am failing miserably.

I tried the dating sites many years ago. Though entertaining, especially for my friends, an oddly high number of matches seemed to include pictures with livestock in their photos.  I finally went on one date but upon discovering my match had enough ear hair to be my grandpa and the body odor of someone who had played a 4 hours tennis match, despite seeming to have recently showered, I decided online dating wasn't for me.

I have been comfortable and just waiting to bump into Mr. Right reaching for the same box of cereal in the grocery store for many years.

I recently decided to get out and try to meet people and found it was much harder than expected.  After bar #1, I thought this might be worth following.

As time allows, I will visit new bars and rate them for the ability to find Love in the Pub.  I will also rate things like: average age, service, crowd makeup etc.

Let the journey begin.

Beer and Bisque

The holidays is usually seriously downtime for me so I try to hit a few pubs that are normally out of my normal routine.  Perfect for scout...